Posts Tagged ‘twist’

Lets Twist Again

April 25, 2017

hammerIn a bitter fight the dark side of Emile has emerged and now two of the muggers lie dead. This was to be the end of Emile’s part in the book, with a sneaky twist that developed her character further.

I’ve always liked the idea of promoting equal rights and, although scientifically I definitely thing there are differences both psychologically and physically between men and women, there are a lot of ways equal opportunities between the sexes can be promoted. Having both Aldar and Emile as female characters in the book helped and not keeping to the stereotypic damsel in distress line was also guided my story down this path.

However, it had been Emile’s character that illustrated the strength of a woman, how she could manipulate the men (and woman), and how her survival was not in the hands of her so called bodyguards. She had forced her way out of the psychological shock caused by how close she came to being sacrificed, had conned Joseph into heading for Abendale rather than the capital Ancora, and was now heading out for the West Gate on her own. Even when she was mugged she beat one of them to death with a hammer.

What ultimately shows the strength of her character (or her sneakiness) is when she cons Rondur out of his sword. After being rescued by the gambler, someone who evidently has developed feelings for her despite his usual nonchalant attitude toward women, she swaps information for his blade. And then leaves him weaponless. Ultimately, her survival is more important than a suave seducer and once again she is able to out think the man in the story.

Actually she leaves him the hammer. She isn’t all that bad.

You can find out more about my world at my Facebook page here or you can visit my website here. The book has now gone out to the beta readers though I’m looking for a few more.

Picture taken from Lilly Potter pinterest and originally from